Students are still working on team building skills, and this morning we did one of my favorite activities. I call it "The Anxiety Game," because you can see the anxiety begin to build on each student during it. Students are asked to roll a pair of dice until they roll a 6, once a 6 is rolled that student may begin numbering their paper from 1-100. The next student only can stop their peer once they roll the six, and the situation continues as the dice circles the table.

Competitive skills typically begin to really show in this game and nobody wants to be the dice roller that lets someone else win. The students will quickly start asking where everyone else is on their numbering and nervously check to see if they are staying apparent in their own numbering. As anxious as the students become, I always find that at the end of the game, everyone ALWAYS has fun. I think this silly game is a great reminder than anxious feelings are not always bad. Everyone must feel pressure at moments, its human nature, but we can never let those feelings consume us. It's a great activity to do as a group as we prepare for CEO Class Business very soon!

Other News From Around The Same Time

Do you recognize where we are???  CEO Students took some pitstops this morning to check out some vacant properties in Sullivan County. They will be using these properties as ideas for ...
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Do you recognize where we are??? CEO Students took some pitstops this morning to check out some vacant properties in Sullivan County. They will be using these properties as ideas for ...

Our FOURTH, yes I said fourth and still cannot believe it, batch of CEO students have begun discussing their CEO Class Business for this winter. I will not share anymore details yet ...

CEO students met our CEO treasurer the other morning, Ryan Falconbury. He kept them on their toes as he retold his life journey, taught the kids the procedures for how our CEO funds ...
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CEO students met our CEO treasurer the other morning, Ryan Falconbury. He kept them on their toes as he retold his life journey, taught the kids the procedures for how our CEO funds ...

Dave Wright, Sullivan County CEO Board Member, came to see us the other morning to discuss the importance of establishing credit. Students were very interested in how credit continues ...
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Dave Wright, Sullivan County CEO Board Member, came to see us the other morning to discuss the importance of establishing credit. Students were very interested in how credit continues ...

Students are shortly finishing up their $1 to $100 Fair Market Challenge. Over 2 weeks ago, students were given one single dollar and asked to make the one dollar, one hundred dollars ...
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Students are shortly finishing up their $1 to $100 Fair Market Challenge. Over 2 weeks ago, students were given one single dollar and asked to make the one dollar, one hundred dollars ...

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