I am Gavin Fritzinger and I was born in Linton Indiana, but raised in Jasonville, IN. I have my dad ... Learn More

Gavin Fritzinger
About Me
I am Gavin Fritzinger and I was born in Linton Indiana, but raised in Jasonville, IN. I have my dad Chris Fritzinger, mother Lesa Fritzinger, and my step-mother Alaine Fritzinger. I have 3 other siblings: My older step-sister Moriah, and my twin little brothers Luke and Seth. From Kindergarten through the summer of my Freshman year of high school, I went to Shakamak Elementary/ High School in Jasonville then moved to Dugger High School my sophomore year. From 7th grade on I’ve played football and my junior year was my first year playing baseball. All my life I’ve been competitive in almost everything and that’s what is needed to run a business, but I never knew that’s what I wanted to do. For the longest time I wanted to be in the Navy and as time went on I slowly realized that there’s other things I want to do with my life. My 8th grade year I decided that I wanted to go into social work or be a physical therapist. Recently I took my ASVAB test. I got a lot of attention from the military and my thoughts of joining came back, but I turned it all down. In August of 2020, my dad started to have some medical issues and had to leave work and the income Alaine had wasn’t going to be good enough. The job Alaine does is how I ended up with multiple more siblings from other countries. I don’t believe people have to be blood related to be family because of Alaine's job I now have Janinia (Germany), Jonas (Germany), Jessie (Finland), Malinia (Italy), Matty (Belgium), Oliya (Ukraine), Mo (Palestine “Gaza strip”), and now my first little sibling of the bunch Marta (Spain). After adding to the family, I started looking for different ways to contribute. That was my first encounter into the business world. We started off by making corn hole boards for a while and sold a decent amount of them, but the process began to slow down. During that winter Alaine decided to help out and make some crafty things, so my dad and I did the wood-work and Alaine made everything look pretty. After we did the crafts for a while, my dad decided out of nowhere to start selling Whiskey Barrels and they did so well. We can do so many various products besides a regular barrel. It was between the crafts and the barrel phase that my guidance counselor came to me about the Sullivan County CEO program. I was extremely interested but I couldn’t really make a decision. My guidance counselor on the other hand just wouldn’t give up, everyday she had a chance she would tell me to fill out my forms and get my parents signatures. My whiskey barrel business is still going really well and the CEO program will help me with so much, to expand, change a couple things, and make it better than it already is. All thanks to the events leading me to start a little business out of my garage and my guidance counselor pushing me to the point I’m at now.

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